ACE stands for curriculum enrichment activities that cater to the Abilities, Curiosities and Essential learning needs of students.  The ACE programme allows for personalisation of learning across all areas of the curriculum. ACE runs on a Tuesday and Friday in the middle block (11:30 – 12:30).

The ACE programme caters for all students and teaches them how to be proactive in managing and taking responsibility for their learning. Learning opportunities include science and technology projects, music and art projects, learning a language, project based inquiry learning, sports and physical skills development, preparing for academic competitions in English and Maths, wellbeing programmes, environmental programs, dance (including cultural), and other passions and interests. The ACE programme is used to both consolidate skills and knowledge and to extend students with strengths in an area.

ACE meets the needs of students and is based on their interests.  As such, the programmes available change each term. Students are regularly surveyed to make sure we take their interests into account. The programme allows the school to make full use of the strengths and interests of teachers, other staff, and experts from the wider community. If you are interested in running an ACE programme please contact Jenny Keber, Deputy Principal and ACE co-ordinator.