‘Growing Excellence’
‘Kia Hiranga Ake’
through innovative, constantly evolving, personalised learning

Kia Ora
It is a privilege to warmly welcome you to Mission Heights Primary in Auckland, New Zealand. We are a large urban primary school situated in the suburb of Flat Bush. We have a richly, diverse cultural mix of children who are motivated and keen to be actively involved in their learning.
At Mission Heights Primary School, we strongly believe that every child matters.
As a school we strive to grow excellence. Our aim is to guide and nurture each child to reach their potential in all areas of life. Integral to achieving this aim, is having a close partnership between home and school. We welcome and encourage all families to be actively involved with our school as we continue our commitment to nurture responsible global citizens, who are empowered and inspired by our motto of ‘Growing Excellence, Kia Hiranga Ake’.
Caroline Bush
Principal | Tumuaki | Mission Heights Primary School