Digital learning is not just about using computers and the internet but is also about creating digital solutions through robotics, coding and data analysis. We do all of these things at MHP. Our students are well prepared for the changing world of technology.
At MHP, teachers have access to professional development so that they can use various technologies effectively with students in learning programmes and so that students become independent and active users. Our learning zones are digitally-intense environments where students have access to use a range of technologies in appropriate ways at every available opportunity.
As part of our BYOD programme, students in Year 6 have the option to bring their own device to school. This facility is available to support student learning. The device choice is limited to a Chromebook only. Note that we don’t allow students to bring in Windows, Mac laptops or Apple iPads. The student can also use this same Chromebook into Years 7 and 8 in MHJC.
We do not recommend any brand of Chromebook over another; we only ask that parents purchase a Chromebook within their means. It is advantageous for students to have a Chromebook with a USB-A port; this is because they can then use their Chromebook in MHJC for programming with digital microcontrollers in Years 7 and 8.
MHP has arranged a discount for students with PBTech and Harvey Norman. For PBTech, you can click on this link and enter the code “BYOD2024” at the top or present this pamphlet at any PBTech store. You can also present this pamphlet at any Harvey Norman store.
The Chromebook model that the school is using is the Lenovo Chromebook 100e Gen 2.