Mission Heights School is a diverse and multicultural school with children and families from all over the world and from different ethnicities. We access funding for our children who do not have English as their first language from the Ministry of Education. This money provides in class and small group literacy support for these students, including resources, one-on-one time with Learning Assistants and quality learning experiences in the ESOL ACE Programme.
At MHP we value the use of children’s first language at home and at school. This helps students to discuss and process the key concepts and learning that they have developed at school. We embrace cultural diversity within our community through celebrations and events where cultural differences are encouraged
English Language Assistants
We have English Language Learning Assistants to support the literacy needs of our English Language Learners across all year levels in the school. The Learning Assistants work alongside the Learning Zone teacher to support small groups of students who have English language learning needs through rich learning experiences. We are extremely lucky to have a range of qualified Learning assistants who are passionate about working with our students.
ESOL ACE Programme

Each English Language Learning student attends an ESOL ACE programme once a week. The programme is especially designed to meet each students’ English acquisition needs. The students work in smaller groups with a trained learning assistant where they develop their oral language skills through practical and hands-on experiences.