Accessing learning while absent from school
Below are some different ways your children can access learning while they are absent from school.
JLC- Years 1-3
It is important that you read with your child daily, you may not have a new book every day so your child can practise. Please also set aside some ‘talk time’ away from screens (both child and parent). Tell stories you remember your parents telling you, share rhymes and poems and sing songs together, this will all help your child develop language skills. Maths – number facts – help your child learn their number bonds to 10 and beyond and multiplication tables – starting with twos, fives and tens.
Online – you can purchase Maths Seeds and Reading Eggs via KINDO, this is voluntary and not monitored by teachers.
Distance Learning During School Closures for JLC
Students in Years 1-3 will have a Google Classroom that the teacher will use to post other work such as jolly phonics, handwriting and writing. Please check on this daily. We encourage you to share your child’s learning with their teacher daily.
SLC- Years 4-6
All Year 4 – 6 classes also have Google Classrooms where the teacher will regularly post tasks to work on. Please check on this daily for updates.
Online – You can purchase Mathletics and Reading Eggspress via KINDO, this is voluntary and not monitored by the teachers.
Distance Learning During School Closures for SLC
Students in Year 3 to 6 will have a Google Classroom that the teacher will use to post daily and weekly learning tasks. Please make sure your child is checking this daily and sending their work to the teacher.
All Students
We encourage all students to send their teacher videos and pictures of their learning so the teacher can give them support, encouragement, and feedback.
Many high-quality educational companies have also started to offer free access to their products while students are learning from home. Below is a list of some of these.
- Storyline Online (stories read out loud to students)
- Storybird (write stories and put beautiful illustrations with them)
- Study ladder
- Khan Academy and Khan Academy Kids
- Scholastic learning at home
- Google Arts and Culture virtual trips
- (great for learning to code)
Information about Homework

Homework should be relevant, authentic and within a student’s capability. The focus of homework activities in all areas of our school is to develop information, literacy and numeracy skills of students. Homework is aimed at complimenting classroom programmes to foster and encourage study skills, independent work habits, time management and to provide opportunities for child and parent interaction in these areas.
Homework at MHP mainly comprises of basic facts, spelling, and reading. It also includes relevant research projects.
Junior Learning Community: The purpose of homework in the JLC is to consolidate and reinforce the learning that takes place in school. A reading book will be sent home each night from Monday to Thursday and a poetry reading for on Friday. Spelling words will be sent in line with the structured literacy happening in class.
Senior Learning Community: Homework tasks in the SLC are expected to further build on the learning partnership between home and school. All students are expected to read each day for a minimum of 30 minutes. Each student will have a spelling list based on their needs from their classwork and the words will be tested at the end of each week. In addition, all students are expected to know their multiplication facts, as well as addition and subtraction facts to 20.