Our school uniform which is worn with pride by all Mission Heights Primary School students and is available from;
John Russell Schoolwear
9 Moore Street, Howick
Telephone: (09) 534 9373

We expect every item of clothing to be named clearly so that lost items can be promptly returned to the correct owner as we do not store lost property.
Ear studs (plain, and only one in each ear) and watches are allowed but no other jewellery is permitted as it can be dangerous or a hazard. Smart watches must be switched to ‘airplane mode’ during the school day – this is a legal requirement in New Zealand.
We expect students to come to school in a clean, well groomed state. Make-up including nail varnish and skin adornments are not allowed. Hair that is collar length or longer must be tied back with black hair ties. Hair should be tidy, appropriately groomed for school, and free of hair colourings, gel and extreme styles.
We are a sun smart school and all students are expected to wear their school hat before, after and during school time when outside particularly in Term 1 and Term 4.
Religious headwear must be plain black, with no adornments.
Shoes must be plain black and flat, sandals must have a heel strap. Sports shoes may be worn but must be solid black – including soles and laces. Crocs, slides and jandals are NOT permitted for health and safety reasons.
Students are to wear plain black socks, or black opaque tights. No footless tights or leggings are to be worn.
Additional Information
Students may wear plain black long sleeved tops under their school uniform.