When can we enrol our children at Mission Heights Primary School?

Enrollments are accepted from students who live in the school’s home zone at all year levels daily from 8.30 to 4:00pm. Enrollment forms are available at the school reception at 103 Jeffs Road, Mission Heights Schools. Enrolment forms can also be accessed from the Enrolments section of this website.

Are out of zone applications being accepted at Mission Heights Primary School?

We regret that no out of zone applications are being accepted at Mission Heights Primary School at this time.

Do Mission Heights Primary School students have automatic right of enrolment at Mission Heights Junior College?

No. Only those students who live in the Junior College’s home zone are entitled to enrol at Mission Heights Junior College in accordance to their enrolment policy for the current year . Please contact Mission Heights Junior College reception (admin@mhjc.school.nz) for the most current information regarding their enrolment policy.

Where can we order the school uniform?

The uniform supplier is John Russell Schoolwear in Howick. They will take your orders for all uniform requirements. You can order the uniform online at https://www.johnrussellmenswear.co.nz/

Do students need PE uniforms?

From 2024 all students will be able to wear their red collared top as a PE top.

Why is the school called Mission Heights Primary ?

The Board of Trustees consulted with the local community to ensure the school name reflected the history of the area.

When did the school open?

Our school opened on Wednesday the fourth of February, 2009.

What year levels does the school cater for?

Years 1 – 6

What facilities and buildings are there?

There are a total of 32 Learning Zones (classrooms), 10 Learning Studios (flexible learning environments) , an administration block, a multi-purpose hall, the Sir William Manchester Library and fields. There is also a playground, beautiful gardens, two covered courts, a bike track, a soccer field, rugby field, and an all weather cricket wicket and nets.

How is the school governed and managed?

A parent elected Board of Trustees, Principal and Staff Representative form the Board. Their role is the school’s governance.

The Principal’s role is to manage the school. The Principal operates within the approved policies direction.

How do I enrol?

Check the enrolment zone map and street addresses on our website to see if you live in the zone (or call the School Office on (09) 277 7888, if you need clarification).

Complete the enrolment form attaching a copy of either a Birth Certificate or Passport, Immigration Documentation, (Residence Permit, Domestic Student Permit & Supporting Work Visa etc) and a copy of the Immunisation Certificate.

To support your enrolment, please also attach two of the following three documents:

a) An electricity invoice with your address etc.

b) A Rental Agreement or

c) Sale & Purchase Agreement

Send this information to admin@mhp.school.nz or drop it into the school office.

Please remember 5 year olds should be toilet trained before starting school (unless they have additional needs and Ministry of Education funding).

Does the school have an enrolment scheme?

This was determined by the Ministry of Education after consultation with neighbouring schools and the community.

Our school is obliged to apply the scheme and we are required to obtain proof of residence.

Included in the enrolment pack is a detailed description of the zone. Please do not hesitate to contact the School Office if you need clarification.

How do I know the priorities of the school?

Please check the web site under “Strategic Plan“. This sets out the priorities for the current year.

What is the School’s Vision for Education?

Mission Heights Primary School is committed to providing innovative and evolving personalised learning to enable students to be confident, active, reflective and high-achieving independent learners.

How will the school be able to cater for my child?

When each student is enrolled we:

  • Provide pre-entry transition meetings for new parents’ induction into the school each term.
  • Talk with families about their specific needs.
  • Screen the learner with a series of tests.
  • Our 5 year olds will be offered transition visits before their start date.

What stationery will my child need and how do I get it?

All stationery is ordered through MHPS Reception and the pack is sent to your child’s LZ when it has been paid for.

Who do I see if I am not sure what is happening?

Download the HERO App (Android, iOS)and keep up to date with school news.

For matters relating to your child please contact the classroom teacher to make an appointment. Please note that teachers have staff meetings on Monday and Tuesday afternoons after school as well as other meetings during the week, so will not always be available. Emailing the teacher is a very efficient way of communicating. They will respond to you within 24 hours.

If communicating with the teacher does not solve the issue, please feel free to contact the Leader of Learning, and then if necessary the Deputy Principal, then Principal. The email addresses for all staff are available on the Staff Page. If matters are not resolved then the school has a formal complaints policy, which is available from the School Office.

For other school matters (i.e payment of accounts or other school organisation) the reception staff will happily deal with any queries.

The school has a complaints policy which is available on request from the office.

How will I be able to be involved in the school?

From volunteering to help with trips, to joining us for end of term events, we welcome our whanau into school. Our Garden to Table programme is always looking for volunteers in both the garden and the kitchen. We are currently reviewing how MHP interacts with our community and we are most happy to hear from you if you would like to offer your services or if you have an idea about how the school involves the community. Please contact our DPs: Jenny Keber (jkeber@mhp.school.nz) or Carol Norton (cnorton@mhp.school.nz) with your ideas.

Where might students go when they leave at the end of year 6?

The natural transition of our students is to Mission Heights Junior College for their Years 7 – 10 academic studies on the condition that all students are living in zone at the time of starting at Mission Heights Junior College.

On graduating from Mission Heights Junior College, students will typically enrol at Ormiston Senior College for their Year 11- 13 academic studies.

Is there a compulsory School Uniform?

Yes, please look under the Enrolments section.

How can I keep up to date with information on the school?

Keep checking the HERO app; there are weekly updates posted. Parents of students who are enrolled at the school will receive an independent log in access to the school’s website from the school’s reception.

The school also has a Facebook page and sends weekly updates to parents about what is going on.

Can I visit the school?

Yes, school visits are by appointment only. Please call the school beforehand to arrange for an appointment.